Saturday, February 25, 2012 0 comments By: Tracy S

Blogger Wannabee

I miss my days of frequent blogging!  I just do not always have the time with working and trying to keep things sane at home.  But I wanted to pop in and give a thumbs up to something new I have tried......Acupuncture.  I believe in energy healing - there are so many different modalities - acupuncture is just one of them - but with a longer history than most.  For whatever reason I never got around to trying it even though I always wanted to.  Well I started going last week and after 3 visits I can feel a difference.  He is working on my overall health - but I can see a huge difference in my skin and lately my energy levels.  I no longer feel exhausted all the time.  These next 4-5 days coming up will be more telling.  I actually was able to wake up at 8 am for a 9 am appt this morning after getting home at 4 am from work.  Hubby was awesome and let me go back to sleep for a few hours before he headed to work.  I should be exhausted right now but I actually feel like digging in to some work here at home.  Weird!   But obviously good!

Things at home are going well.  I have not had time for much schooling lately - but we do some copywork and reading 4-5 times a week.  The kids are getting better at narrating (telling me about what they have read).  When we first started their narration was 1-2 sentences.  But now I am getting sooooo much more!  I am impressed with the older 2.  The youngest is still having a hard time telling me about the stories we read, BUT she is reading all on her own now - only asking about a few big words from time to time. 

As for our next step - we are headed back to Albany in 2 weeks.  We sooooo much want to go to KY, but we investigated the job situation there and it would come down to me having to work full time for years.  Of course I have nothing against working - I just want to work in other ways - like schooling the kids and homesteading and having my own business helping people get healthy in a natural way.  But that will not pay the bills.  Now I could do that but hubby would have to work 72 hours a week at a job he really dislikes.  Not conducive to a healthy happy home.  Our goal is to get out of the modern medical world work force completely.  Hubby just wants to farm.  So we prayed and talked it through some more.  And it cxomes down to the basic premise that we should owe no one and if we work for the next 2 years we will have everything paid off.  All we would have to pay for is energy costs and food.  Considering we will grow our own food, hubby may only have to work for a few years once in KY and it would be only part time at that. 

OK, enough rambling.  Time to get back to work!!!  I wish I had some pictures to share....just have not had time to take many.  I do however have a recent picture of our "puppy".  He is just over a year now and still a bit of a freak....but getting better with training and age.