Sunday, January 17, 2016 1 comments By: Tracy S


Many people have joined the craze of kombucha.  But for others it is a complete mystery.  So exactly what is kombucha?  Simply it is a fermented beverage made from tea, sugar, and a SCOBY.  A SCOBY is not actually a mushroom but you may hear it referred to as such.  It starts to resemble the top of a mushroom with thin tendrils growing on the bottom of it.  It basically is a life form made up of yeasts and bacteria (the good kinds)- one that needs to be fed (with sugar) and has to be kept in liquid to survive.  Typically people use black tea to brew and add sugar to and then add in the SCOBY and some previous kombucha.  It definitely has an acquired taste - tart and bubbly.  One can add different fruits to the final product and ferment it a bit further to get a flavored kombucha.  Our favorite is strawberry!

Now there are quite a few articles out there regarding the safety of brewing your own kombucha.  If the balance of yeasts to good bacteria is off or if your SCOBY "catches" a bad yeast like candida, then things can go bad for your SCOBY and for your health.  With that said, kombucha has been around for thousands of years and before the recent craze, has been brewed in private homes all these thousands of years.  So I post my recipes with a typical disclaimer - brew at your own risk.  I have been making kombucha on and off for the last 3 years and we have all drank it without any issues.  I even would bring in some to work - no one got sick.  One particular person loved my strawberry kombucha so much he asked for his own jar each week - said it made him feel great.

The bottom line when it comes to kombucha is most of the evidence of both good and bad stories are anecdotal and since each SCOBY and batch of kombucha will vary, I highly doubt any specific research study will be coming out soon.  You can buy it at the store for $3-$4 per 16 oz bottle or make it yourself for less than half the price.  Let's break it down:

Organic Newman's Own Black Tea on Amazon - 4 cents per tea bag - 8 bags needed for 1 gallon of kombucha = $ 0.32

Organic Sugar (various kinds) on Amazon for average of $2.15 per cup (1 cup needed for 1 gallon kombucha) OR Domino sugar on Amazon for approx 80 cents per cup.

Basically $2.47 for all organic kombucha or $1.12 for 50% organic.  I'm sure the cost would be even less for non-organic black tea.

What does that compute to?  Well let's take the average price for a 16 oz bottle of kombucha at the store $3.29.  Every so often it is on sale for $2.79 here in Kentucky but in NY it was closer to $4.  So for ease of the weak minded in math I will stick to the average $3.29.

There are 16 cups in a gallon (typically brewing amount for kombucha).  There are 2 cups in a typical bottle of kombucha at the store.....

     * Home made total: $2.47 for one organic gallon (not including fruit - with organic strawberries for example would add approx $4 to my total so $6.47 for 1 gallon strawberry kombucha)

     * Store bought total: $26.32 for 1 gallon of kombucha (8 bottles would make 16 cups or 1 gallon and 8 x $3.29 = $26.32

Now the difference is quite alarming - price will go up for homemade though if you choose to use bottled water.  Here at home we use tap water run through the Brita filter so my cost might be an additional 20 or 30 cents per gallon more.

Either way for us we definitely go through more than a gallon per week of kombucha.  So we save a minimum of $20 per week.

Now how do you even start?  There are a variety of websites to show you how to make your own SCOBY, how to brew your own kombucha, and even where to buy a SCOBY if you didn't want to wait for yours to develop (2-4 weeks).  Personally I felt it was important to make my own SCOBY.  It would be with me for decades to come and I could pass on "baby" SCOBYs to my kids if they chose to make their own once they are older.

Here is what you need to make your own:

7 cups water (preferably filtered)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
4 bags black tea
1 cup unflavored kombucha (hard to find in stores, but GT raw trilogy flavor is what I used - if you are going to use store kombucha, make sure it is RAW - pasteurized kombucha will not have micro particles of SCOBY in it and therefore you will not grow a SCOBY).

Bring water to a boil and then remove from heat.  Add the sugar and stir until dissolved.  Add the tea bags and let steep until room temperature.  Combine tea and kombucha in large glass jar (1/2 gallon mason jars are the perfect size and easy to sterilize in the oven for 10-15 minutes on 225 degrees - make sure you let cool before adding tea and kombucha!  I just started my water and started the sterilizing all at the same time - while the tea was cooling, so was the glass jar).  You do not necessarily have to sterilize the jar, however being a nurse, I'm pretty against nasty bugs and prefer to sterilize any jar used in fermentation.  Anyhow, stir the tea and store kombucha together and then place a few layers of cheesecloth over the top (do not seal with a lid!).  Keep away from sunlight - a dark towel wrapped around the jar is a good option.

Initially it will look as if nothing is going on.  But in a few days you will notice bubbles collect at the surface.  Those bubbles eventually start to develop a thin film.  When the film is 1/4 inch thick, the SCOBY is ready to use.

Now my new SCOBYs I just made are not 1/4 inch thick yet, however I wanted to get them going so I started using them anyway and may well have to discard my first 2 gallons of kombucha.  But here in Kentucky we are not getting out of the 30's most days and the colder it is the harder it will be to get the SCOBY to grow.  When I was in NY, I made my very first SCOBY during the winter as well and it took 4 weeks to get just under 1/4 inch thick.

Here are some pictures:

Here is a peak into my growing SCOBYs (I am making 2 at one time).  This is about 1.5 weeks into making them.  

Here are my 2 gallon size jars with tea getting ready to receive the SCOBYs for fermentation.

Transferring the SCOBY to the gallon jar - here you can see my SCOBY is thin but still able to work with it.  

My SCOBY looks awfully discolored - but that is from the tea over it - not from the SCOBY itself.  

Now what do you do once your SCOBY is at it's functioning capacity?  First off you discard the tea mixture it was growing in - it will smell like vinegar at this point.  But before you discard it, get your batch ready for your very first kombucha!  It is very similar to what you did for the SCOBY making:

3.5 quarts water
1 cup sugar
8 black tea bags
2 cups starter tea (when you are in your 2nd batch and on, take out 2 cups before flavoring your tea to be used for the next batch - however in this case of our first batch I used the same trilogy GT raw kombucha from the store)

Bring the water to a boil - remove from heat and add the sugar - stir until dissolved.  Add tea bags and let steep until cool.  Once cooled, add tea and starter tea (or store kombucha) to clean gallon jar. With clean hands, transfer SCOBY to new batch - cover with cheesecloth and keep out of sunlight.  Ferment for 7-10 days.  After 7 days start to taste the tea - it should be an equal balance of sweet and tart.  Remove 2 cups for next batch and place SCOBY in that while preparing next batch.  Take kombucha and place into bottles (I use mason jars).  Add fruit if preferred for flavor and seal - keep out on counter for 1-3 days (I will "burp" mine so mine do not overcarbonate),  Just do not forget about your bottles!  If they build up too much carbonation they can burst.  After I had read about that I made sure to just open my lids twice a day to let some of the built up air escape.  This made my kombucha not as fizzy as store bought but in the end we all preferred it that way.  

So there you have it!  In about 4-6 weeks you can be enjoying your own homemade brews as well!  Play around with different fruits.  Another favorite of ours was pineapple and apple/cinnamon!  Just make sure to keep your fruit completely submerged or mold will develop.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 0 comments By: Tracy S


Einkorn....what is that you ask?  Well it is a grain that has not been hybridized and it is more than likely the grain commonly used in Biblical times.  It has a lower gluten ratio that makes it easier to digest.  However it must be noted that those with severe gluten allergies (like Celiac disease) should not try this.  However if you are like me where highly processed bread products no longer sit well in your stomach, then this may be the grain for you.  

Now I have gone the Nourishing Traditions way and tried making sourdough starter and bread from freshly milled wheat that has been soaked in things like buttermilk.  Those recipes in the NT book were relatively easy to follow but in my opinion there just were not enough recipes nor information on how to make a variety of wholesome bread products.  Plus my sourdough bread just never turned out right....always dense and too strong.  To top that off, making the sourdough required very large glass bowls - and currently I have a very tiny kitchen and not much storage room, so I was looking for something that didn't take up so much room.  

After a lot of reading and searching for information, I am now convinced Einkorn grain is the way to go.  This may of course change once I actually start making something with it!  :)  However I was willing to invest in a good dutch oven, 5 lbs of organic Einkorn berries that I will grind myself, and a good recipe book from an expert.  I plan on taking about a week to get my sourdough starter just right (the recipe book says you can start using the starter after 4 days but giving it a few extra days will be better).  So for now I will leave you with some pictures and links to learn more.  I will of course post some pictures of my newest endeavor in about a week!

This recipe book is full of great information on what to expect with Einkorn.  The dough is not like wheat dough and requires patience and knowledge.  This book breaks it down in an easy simple way to understand.  I bought my book from amazon along with the dutch oven below.  

This dutch oven is cast iron with enamel.  It is heavy but came highly recommended.  A dutch oven is necessary for some of the bread recipes.  

And for more information on Einkorn and to buy it, I found this link very helpful:

As for my kombucha, it is coming along.  The scoby is just now forming a thin connection.  I'll give it about 4 to 5 more days.  

Diet wise, I cheated once with pretzels and dip.  The dairy aspect gave me an asthma attack so for now, no more dairy AT ALL!  Otherwise, eating all natural and organic where possible.  Down 5 lbs at this point.  :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016 0 comments By: Tracy S

Some incentives to stick to clean eating...

Some would say that eating fresh foods and all that is natural is incentive enough...knowing you are not ingesting harmful chemicals and toxins.  But I wanted to add a few things to beef up the incentive for myself.  The main reason being I live practically next door to the grocery store.  When sugar cravings hit it would be WAY too easy to just walk over and indulge in something sweet.  

Here is my first incentive....

What you see here is my wedding ring NOT fitting on my finger.  The good news is it gets past the knuckle.  But then that's it. Dealt with this years ago when I topped the scales around 250-255.  I think my wedding ring has spent more years in the drawer than on my finger.  How sad.  But that is obviously going to change.  When I lost weight 6 years ago my ring actually was a little loose.  So I know that in about 20-25 lbs lost I should be able to squeeze it on and have it fit on the tight side.  

As for my other incentive....well this would be construed as gambling and I in no way endorse gambling at all.  However the bet is against yourself only.  It's called DietBet (  I joined 2 games and as long as I lose 9 lbs within the next month I get my money back and possibly even more depending on how many participants also hit their goal.  By putting $25 down I feel more than compelled to keep eating 100% clean and natural.  

What I ate today:  2 scrambled eggs with salt, 1 grapefruit, salad with organic lettuce, organic cucumbers, and organic italian dressing, roast chicken (organic, free range), steamed organic carrots with butter, and brussel sprouts in butter.  For dessert tonight I will indulge on some organic strawberries!  It doesn't seem like I am eating much but to be honest I actually don't feel very hungry.  I think it may just be my body trying to adjust to no sugar.  Typically I feel hungry most of the time.  
Exercise included a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood.  

Stay tuned for information on how I plan to incorporate grain into our diet without buying any bread products at the store.  
Saturday, January 2, 2016 0 comments By: Tracy S

Happy 2016! A new year with new beginnings!

Happy New Year!  2015 was a good but busy year.  It was the year my skin finally cleared up and I was able to work full time again.  It was the year we FINALLY moved to Kentucky (not our farm but in Lexington in a rental until we can build a house on the property).  And it was a year where we were all separated as a family for 8 weeks as hubby and I took contracts back in NY while the kids stayed with my parents so we could stabilize our finances.  We also had a ton of fun in between all the crazy working.  

But this post is going to be dedicated to the future and what the new year will bring.  We are filled with hope and dedication to so many things.  At the moment I am not working.  Hubby and I decided I needed at least 3 months off to get my health back into shape and to get the kids back on track with their home schooling.  In order for us to maintain and get ahead in our finances, hubby is staying in NY on a contract until mid-March.  It was a difficult decision however we are both happier with the kids being back here in KY and maintaining a stable home for them.  

As for 2016, here are my goals and aspirations:

** Find a church and become involved in a church family

** Go back to clean eating which will allow me to lose weight and get the kids healthier

** Get the kids on a stricter schedule for their school work

** Get the kids involved in 4H activities

** Plant fruit trees on our property 

** Get our 2 dogs better trained (all the moving around has not been the best for them)

** Become more financially stable with goals to save more, be more frugal, and to get our finances in order to get a mortgage for a new build on our property

** Maintain this blog on a regular basis in order to share what we have learned with others 

These are not so much resolutions as they are goals for our family's growth. We had been planning my time off for months now so starting our clean eating and whatnot just happened to coincide with the new year.  With that I will leave off with a few pictures and a few explanations....

OOOhhhhhh.....yes I have gained weight since being ill.  This was 4 days ago.  I have since lost 4 pounds just cutting back on bad foods - today was the actual first day of 100% clean eating.  

My go to "diet" books.  We are not on A diet but rather we have changed our diet to eat more clean and natural.  I use these books for reference.  

People always ask me what supplements I take.  This is it on a regular basis.  The probiotic will be taken out as I incorporate more fermented foods into my diet.  I only take the enzymes if my stomach is bothered by anything - typically eggs bother my stomach a tad bit and the enzyme clears that up.  The Atomidine is iodine for hypothyroid.  Had my thyroid checked years ago and it was at the very bottom of normal.  I find by taking a few drops in my water every other day I have good energy and my hair has stopped thinning.  The active B12 if for the genetic mutation I have where my body cannot convert B12 and folate into their active forms.  

Here I am 4 days ago.  

Not pretty pictures and I'm quite disappointed in myself for allowing the weight to pack on.  But it is what it is and it's time to fix it.  Just an FYI - I do no calorie counting or reducing my food intake or extreme exercise.  By eating all natural before, I learned I didn't ever go hungry and I still lost weight and then maintained a very healthy weight for years.  I will end up losing my weight quickly (or at least I did 6 years ago).  I will post what I eat whenever I blog to show I don't starve myself or do anything extreme to lose weight.   

These are the kiddos growing up.  Remmington and Emma have both hit puberty and are growing so fast!  They both wax and wane on their weight but lately they have both gained a bit from poor eating and lack of activity while staying with my parents.  

A blurry side view.  This is only for comparison sake - the 2 oldest will also lose weight on the diet but again without being hungry or controlling their portions.  Since we are back in KY, they are also more active - playing at the park and riding their bikes along with many other activities.  As for Georgia, she is still my skinny minny child.  She's wearing bulky pajamas so it is hard to see but she is actually too thin I think.  She constantly (daily) complains of her tummy bothering her with many different foods.  She is actually thrilled to be starting our clean eating as she remembers feeling so much better and not having her tummy bother her at all.  She doesn't have severe diarrhea or anything extreme with her stomach, but she eats like a bird because once she starts eating her stomach starts bothering her and she then stops eating.  I also think she just has a naturally high metabolism.  So we shall see pictures again in a few weeks to compare and see how we are doing.  

What I ate today: whole organic grapefruit, 1 bottle kombucha, 1 salad with organic lettuce and organic italian dressing, 2 bowls of homemade garlic/zucchini soup (made with chicken broth I made from organic free range chicken), small piece leftover lamb, organic grass fed beef roast about 4 ounces, and organic broccoli/cauliflower with organic raw butter.  

Stay tuned for how I make my own kombucha!!