Saturday, January 2, 2016 By: Tracy S

Happy 2016! A new year with new beginnings!

Happy New Year!  2015 was a good but busy year.  It was the year my skin finally cleared up and I was able to work full time again.  It was the year we FINALLY moved to Kentucky (not our farm but in Lexington in a rental until we can build a house on the property).  And it was a year where we were all separated as a family for 8 weeks as hubby and I took contracts back in NY while the kids stayed with my parents so we could stabilize our finances.  We also had a ton of fun in between all the crazy working.  

But this post is going to be dedicated to the future and what the new year will bring.  We are filled with hope and dedication to so many things.  At the moment I am not working.  Hubby and I decided I needed at least 3 months off to get my health back into shape and to get the kids back on track with their home schooling.  In order for us to maintain and get ahead in our finances, hubby is staying in NY on a contract until mid-March.  It was a difficult decision however we are both happier with the kids being back here in KY and maintaining a stable home for them.  

As for 2016, here are my goals and aspirations:

** Find a church and become involved in a church family

** Go back to clean eating which will allow me to lose weight and get the kids healthier

** Get the kids on a stricter schedule for their school work

** Get the kids involved in 4H activities

** Plant fruit trees on our property 

** Get our 2 dogs better trained (all the moving around has not been the best for them)

** Become more financially stable with goals to save more, be more frugal, and to get our finances in order to get a mortgage for a new build on our property

** Maintain this blog on a regular basis in order to share what we have learned with others 

These are not so much resolutions as they are goals for our family's growth. We had been planning my time off for months now so starting our clean eating and whatnot just happened to coincide with the new year.  With that I will leave off with a few pictures and a few explanations....

OOOhhhhhh.....yes I have gained weight since being ill.  This was 4 days ago.  I have since lost 4 pounds just cutting back on bad foods - today was the actual first day of 100% clean eating.  

My go to "diet" books.  We are not on A diet but rather we have changed our diet to eat more clean and natural.  I use these books for reference.  

People always ask me what supplements I take.  This is it on a regular basis.  The probiotic will be taken out as I incorporate more fermented foods into my diet.  I only take the enzymes if my stomach is bothered by anything - typically eggs bother my stomach a tad bit and the enzyme clears that up.  The Atomidine is iodine for hypothyroid.  Had my thyroid checked years ago and it was at the very bottom of normal.  I find by taking a few drops in my water every other day I have good energy and my hair has stopped thinning.  The active B12 if for the genetic mutation I have where my body cannot convert B12 and folate into their active forms.  

Here I am 4 days ago.  

Not pretty pictures and I'm quite disappointed in myself for allowing the weight to pack on.  But it is what it is and it's time to fix it.  Just an FYI - I do no calorie counting or reducing my food intake or extreme exercise.  By eating all natural before, I learned I didn't ever go hungry and I still lost weight and then maintained a very healthy weight for years.  I will end up losing my weight quickly (or at least I did 6 years ago).  I will post what I eat whenever I blog to show I don't starve myself or do anything extreme to lose weight.   

These are the kiddos growing up.  Remmington and Emma have both hit puberty and are growing so fast!  They both wax and wane on their weight but lately they have both gained a bit from poor eating and lack of activity while staying with my parents.  

A blurry side view.  This is only for comparison sake - the 2 oldest will also lose weight on the diet but again without being hungry or controlling their portions.  Since we are back in KY, they are also more active - playing at the park and riding their bikes along with many other activities.  As for Georgia, she is still my skinny minny child.  She's wearing bulky pajamas so it is hard to see but she is actually too thin I think.  She constantly (daily) complains of her tummy bothering her with many different foods.  She is actually thrilled to be starting our clean eating as she remembers feeling so much better and not having her tummy bother her at all.  She doesn't have severe diarrhea or anything extreme with her stomach, but she eats like a bird because once she starts eating her stomach starts bothering her and she then stops eating.  I also think she just has a naturally high metabolism.  So we shall see pictures again in a few weeks to compare and see how we are doing.  

What I ate today: whole organic grapefruit, 1 bottle kombucha, 1 salad with organic lettuce and organic italian dressing, 2 bowls of homemade garlic/zucchini soup (made with chicken broth I made from organic free range chicken), small piece leftover lamb, organic grass fed beef roast about 4 ounces, and organic broccoli/cauliflower with organic raw butter.  

Stay tuned for how I make my own kombucha!! 


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