Tuesday, January 12, 2016 By: Tracy S


Einkorn....what is that you ask?  Well it is a grain that has not been hybridized and it is more than likely the grain commonly used in Biblical times.  It has a lower gluten ratio that makes it easier to digest.  However it must be noted that those with severe gluten allergies (like Celiac disease) should not try this.  However if you are like me where highly processed bread products no longer sit well in your stomach, then this may be the grain for you.  

Now I have gone the Nourishing Traditions way and tried making sourdough starter and bread from freshly milled wheat that has been soaked in things like buttermilk.  Those recipes in the NT book were relatively easy to follow but in my opinion there just were not enough recipes nor information on how to make a variety of wholesome bread products.  Plus my sourdough bread just never turned out right....always dense and too strong.  To top that off, making the sourdough required very large glass bowls - and currently I have a very tiny kitchen and not much storage room, so I was looking for something that didn't take up so much room.  

After a lot of reading and searching for information, I am now convinced Einkorn grain is the way to go.  This may of course change once I actually start making something with it!  :)  However I was willing to invest in a good dutch oven, 5 lbs of organic Einkorn berries that I will grind myself, and a good recipe book from an expert.  I plan on taking about a week to get my sourdough starter just right (the recipe book says you can start using the starter after 4 days but giving it a few extra days will be better).  So for now I will leave you with some pictures and links to learn more.  I will of course post some pictures of my newest endeavor in about a week!

This recipe book is full of great information on what to expect with Einkorn.  The dough is not like wheat dough and requires patience and knowledge.  This book breaks it down in an easy simple way to understand.  I bought my book from amazon along with the dutch oven below.  

This dutch oven is cast iron with enamel.  It is heavy but came highly recommended.  A dutch oven is necessary for some of the bread recipes.  

And for more information on Einkorn and to buy it, I found this link very helpful:

As for my kombucha, it is coming along.  The scoby is just now forming a thin connection.  I'll give it about 4 to 5 more days.  

Diet wise, I cheated once with pretzels and dip.  The dairy aspect gave me an asthma attack so for now, no more dairy AT ALL!  Otherwise, eating all natural and organic where possible.  Down 5 lbs at this point.  :)


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