Saturday, June 25, 2016 0 comments By: Tracy S

So Much For Keeping Up!

I can't believe it's been 6 months since I last posted here.  My how time flies!  Having some fun, but life has been more crazy than anything else!  I have not been doing too much in the healthy eating department - I've let my kombucha go and barely have enough time to skim cream off my raw milk and make yogurt.  I've had more reactions to different foods and my asthma and hives got worse so I made a HUGE effort to remain gluten free and dairy free.  It's been about 4 weeks and so far seeing big improvements in both areas, but not as good as I want to be.  Plus I am tired of living such a restrictive lifestyle with regards to food.  I have been feeling like I've been missing something regarding my health especially in relation to my gene mutations.  So come Monday I make a trip out to Tennessee to see a specialist.  I pray he can help me because I'm tired of fighting this battle on my own.

The kids are doing fabulous - R is up in NY visiting my grandfather and aunt - my dad came from VA and picked him up.  In a few days they will head to Michigan for another family visit and then come back home.  The girls are missing their brother!  I think the separation will be good for them getting along!

We decided to do school through the summer - with a few breaks like now.  We got a family membership to the Lexington public pools and have really enjoyed swimming! We are planning on horseback riding for the fall and back to ice skating for the winter!

No news on home building....still waiting for our house to sell in NY - has been taking a long time with lots of problems.  But we figure it will all work out in God's  time.  :)

Nothing else to report right now.  Hoping to be more organized and get more into baking.  But this heat makes it very difficult!  Stay cool!